WHAT IS ONLINE GIVING? Online Giving is the process where you authorize your bank to deduct a specified amount from your debit or credit card or your bank account. We have partnered with Tithely to make this process both simple and secure.
CAN I SET UP RECURRING DONATIONS? Yes, but you need to register with our online giving service, Tithely, first. Once you have registered, you can choose the frequency and amount of your gift.
CAN I CHANGE THE FREQUENCY OR AMOUNT OF MY DONATIONS? Yes, you can make changes at any time by logging into your Tithely profile.
DO I PAY ANY ADDITIONAL FEES TO GIVE ONLINE? No, you will not be charged any fees to use this convenient method of giving. Waters Edge Summer Ministry incurs small fees for online donations. The fees incurred are lowest on donations made with a checking account.
WILL MY ONLINE DONATIONS APPEAR ON MY GIVING STATEMENT? Yes, all online contributions will appear on your giving statements.